We all need stories to make sense of the world and our place within it

As well as bringing our productions and workshops to your local theatre/library/community centre, we have made some online resources that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home.


These stories are aimed at children aged 3-7 and their families. Most of them were broadcast live online during the covid lockdowns in  2020.


The theatre industry needs new brilliant people in it, but how do you know if you want to do a job if you don't know it exists? And if you find your dream job, how do you go about getting it?

During the covid pandemic, we broadcast live interviews with our team of extraordinary collaborators, so that you at home could learn about the vast variety of jobs in theatre, and just how much work goes on behind the scenes to make a theatre show happen. These interviews are aimed at everyone 10+ but will be great for teenagers and adults considering a career in theatre.

The archive of all of our interviews is on YouTube channel for your perusal, or you can catch up here:

If you enjoy what we are making please consider donating to keep us going!